Panthers sellout crowd clogs toilets; concession stands run out of food

Last night brought a new meaning to the term 'Shit Show' for fans in the 300 level seats in Florida. Source

Last night brought a new meaning to the term 'Shit Show' for fans in the 300 level seats in Florida. Source

SUNRISE, FL – Completely unaccustomed to a crowd of over 14,000 people, Florida's BB&T Center experienced some unusual problems in last night's game against the New York Rangers.

Not only did the concession stands completely run out of food – including the unsalted peanuts, a large number of toilets in the 300 level were put out of commission due to large amounts of clogging and subsequent flooding.

"The plumbing in the building just isn't meant to withstand a real hockey crowd," arena spokesman Garry Johns said. "We start to feel the pinch when we're up to 16,000 people, so you could just imagine the system when we pass the 20,000 mark."

"In fact half of the toilets in the 300s aren't even hooked up to plumbing – they're essentially just window dressing."

Stan Shields and his eight-year-old son were two of the unfortunate fans caught up in the mess.

"There was shit everywhere," he said. "I fought in Vietnam and never saw such a mess."

"I think we're going to wait until they go on another six-game losing streak before coming back."

A spokesman for the Panthers said that they will be removing the value pack that gives fans four tickets, four hot dogs and four drinks for just $80.

"Clearly we can't be giving away food so cheaply any more. Maybe if we increase the price of hot dogs, we'll have less likelihood of this happening again."